Lately each week of Library service has been the same. Tomorrow, Thursday 26 will be the last library service and Skylor and I (the group leaders of Library Service) have planned to throw a small party.
Library service basically consists of organizing the books in the library through shelving and creating labels for books. For the second semester we haven't done anything related to other projects (such as book week).
Despite having quiet Thursday afternoons Skylor and I have been able to develop a better relation with eachother. We are able to collaborate with eachother on who should do certain things and when to release the younger students from the CAS. Also I've developed my skills of organization and I'm able to check books quicker.
The best thing I think I can say about Library Service (that isn't related to CAS) is that it's made me read more. Organizing the books on the shelves has given me opportunities to know where certain books are and look through them. Because of the time I get with the books it's encouraged me to check out more books in the library and read more in general.