Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Goal Reflection
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Action Tennis
Library Service -Writing CAS Reports
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Semester Reflection + a bit of CAS!
Like every school year, each semester goes by like a blink of an eye. However, this semester went by like the speed of light! During this semester I got to taste the real flavor of the IB Diploma Program and it was bitter. It seemed like there was a huge assignment due every week. Thankfully, I managed to get my all my internal and external assessments done, math portfolios but most importantly, my extended essay done.
This semester was filled with assignments and tests but, reflecting back on the whole experience, it left me with what I do well and what I don’t do that well. I realized that my study habits were off track when it came to time management. However, I realized that when I study, I can study from the beginning and study until I understand the concept.
I also collaborate easy with my classmates but struggle with working with my teachers or communicating my ideas properly to them. I saw that my thinking skills developed from the help of TOK. TOK has actually improved my thinking by making it more reasonable and made me justify my thoughts. From using TOK I am able to apply knowledge I’ve attained from other subjects and apply those to different areas of knowledge, for example, TOK into art and geography or my art into my geography.
From writing the Extended Essay and other assignments (like geography case studies and art) I realized that my use of information from sources was limited. Like many teenagers and in this age of computers, I heavily relied on the internet as a source of information. I managed to break away from this curse by visiting the library more often. Despite the small quantity of sources I used, I was and still am able to grasp facts and concepts easily.
Mentioning library, my CAS Library Service has developed me more as a person and as a leader. I have learned to collaborate with others and listen to others not only in my afterschool activity but with other activities as well. In particular, I collaborated with the Cleft Palate with organizing the Battle of the Bands concert to make profits for Room to Read. I have also kept up with my action, tennis with Heesoo however, do so at Royal Park (a complex where Heesoo lives).
Despite saying that the flavor of IB was bitter, in the end, it was really worth it and rewarding.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Cleft Palate Concert
Friday, November 4, 2011
Library Service Update!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
First Official Day of Library Service!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Community Service Leaders Meeting
Grade 12 - The final year!
IB has resumed after a (very) short break of two months! Despite this year being the last year of IB there is no time to rest. With the start of school, the Service of CAS is starting up again and there is a need to put in some goals for the coming months.
Goals for 2012
It's obvious that the creativity part of my CAS has been lacking due to putting more attention to Action (Tennis) and Service (Library Service). I've decided to put more time and effort into my creativity than action since I've spent many hours playing tennis with Heesoo. I am really keen to updating my art blog to expose my art work and explain my work. I believe that it's a good habit not only for CAS but also to help me with IB art. It will be a new challenge for me to consistently be updating my art blog.
I will be resuming tennis in a few weeks with my partner Heesoo. Depending on the our tennis coach’s schedule, we will be visiting the Taj once a week (or possibly once every two weeks because I want to focus on my creativity) to learn how to play tennis for about 1 to 1 and a half hours. Even though we have learned many skills there are more skills and new techniques we have yet to inquire.
Library service will be resuming in two weeks time. Already Skylor and I have met together and collaborated with eachother – mainly discussing how we will be organizing library service and events like Book Week. We are both really motivated to raise the reputation of library service and give the library a new light to the whole school community. We’re also giving library service a lot more time and commitment than we were last year since it is our senior year and we plan to continue to do so.
For now these are my goals for my CAS. I hope this year will be a good one!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Library Service
Library service basically consists of organizing the books in the library through shelving and creating labels for books. For the second semester we haven't done anything related to other projects (such as book week).
Despite having quiet Thursday afternoons Skylor and I have been able to develop a better relation with eachother. We are able to collaborate with eachother on who should do certain things and when to release the younger students from the CAS. Also I've developed my skills of organization and I'm able to check books quicker.
The best thing I think I can say about Library Service (that isn't related to CAS) is that it's made me read more. Organizing the books on the shelves has given me opportunities to know where certain books are and look through them. Because of the time I get with the books it's encouraged me to check out more books in the library and read more in general.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Week Without Walls